Here you can order our various sample sets. This allows for easy selection of glasses that are right for you.
Here you can order our various sample sets. This allows for easy selection of glasses that are right for you.
(249 samples, each 4 x 6 cm)
205 Clear and Coloured glasses
(different colors, structures, single coloured and flashed glasses)
14 New-Antique-Glasses
30 Table-Cathedral-Glasses at cost price of 95 EURO net + shipping
See pdf for details
(63 glass samples, each 4 x 6 cm)
50 Goethe glass samples, 3mm thick
(through-colored + flashed glass, different colors)
13 Goethe glass samples, 2mm thick
(through-colored, different colours) at cost price of 55 EURO net + shipping
See pdf for details
Includes: one sample each
- restauro® light 2 mm,
- restauro® classic 3 mm,
- 1xx clear weak 3mm;
- further included is a data sheet and a restauro® flyer
Price: 15 Euro + tax/freight
includes 15 samples each 4x10cm + 2 samples each 10x11cm
at cost price of 35 EURO net + shipping
(includes 3 samples, each 20,0 cm/8.25" x 29,7cm/11.75")
Mouth-blown window glasses:
-restauro® UV (UV protective glass)
- restauro® IR (IR protective glass)
- restauro® light 2mm
at cost price of 55 EURO net + shipping